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LINERS Aramid Cotton
Acrylic Aramid is lightweight, supple, comfortable, Natural Cellulose fibre. Supple, soft,
washable. It provides effective protection non-irritating, it provides protection
A polymer that is resistant to water, from cuts and from convective heat from mechanical hazards, absorbs
common solvents, acids, weak alkalis, offering durability and performance that perspiration and makes continuous
as well as abrasion. Soft and warm, far exceed that of leather (5 times higher) wearing of dipped protective gloves
it insulates from the cold. Mixed and cotton (3 times higher). very comfortable.
with cotton, it makes the knit more
lightweight. HPPE Nylon
HAGANE Coil™ High performance polyethylene A lightweight elastic polyamide which
(HPPE) is flexible, light and durable. is largely lint-free and washable, dries
Developed by SHOWA, HAGANE Coil™ As resistant to cutting as a para-aramid quickly and is resistant to abrasion and
is a technology that combines HAGANE but with more resistance to abrasion, deformation. When mixed with cotton
stainless steel with another fibre in the fibre remains resistant to chemicals, and acrylic, it makes the glove more
order to provide the very highest cut in particular solvents. flexible and extends its lifetime.
protection. The HAGANE coil shell
adheres well to latex and nitrile coatings
and is unaffected by UV light.
Butyl HPT Foam Latex Neoprene
A synthetic rubber polymer Hydropellent Technology Natural rubber latex is This is the DuPont®
for heavy chemical (HPT) coating. The HPT supple, robust and provides registered trade name for
protection. Butyl rubber process creates a spongy, excellent dry and wet grip. synthetic rubber polymer
provides excellent chemical soft and durable coating It provides protection Polychloroprene and is an
resistance from gases that repels liquids to provide from household aqueous excellent multi-chemical
including nerve agents, a firm wet or dry grip. cleaning detergents and resistant material. Neoprene
amines, esters, ketones and Encapsulated air molecules good resistance to alcohols is ideally suited for handling
acids. Extremely soft and provide an inherent and ketones. It does contain acids and caustics, oils,
supple, offers good dexterity vibration absorption feature. natural rubber proteins and greases, alcohols, ketones,
but limited mechanical users can become sensitised petroleum based solvents
durability. to them. and aliphatic hydrocarbons.
Nitrile Polyurethane (PU) PVC Viton
A synthetic rubber An elastomer that is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) A synthetic rubber polymer
copolymer of acrylonitrile resistant to wear, abrasion, is a synthetic resin and for chemical protection.The
and butadiene, nitrile is tearing as well as harsh oils. provides good protection main chemical classes that
ideally suited for handling Remains supple in cold from alkalis and acids. It is Viton provides excellent
fuels and aliphatic conditions. Microporous, known for its exceptional protection against include
hydrocarbons. Offers good very elastic and adapts durability and commercial halogenated hydrocarbons
mechanical durability, but easily to all of the hand’s attractiveness. and aromatic hydrocarbons.
is less puncture resistant movements. Viton also protects from
than latex. sulphur-based chemicals and